Friday, February 02, 2007

Celebrating Black History Month

And if you couldn't guess from yesterday's posts, it is indeed Black History Month! So to that end, Chris at The Genealogue takes note of several blogs and websites that focus on African-American genealogy or that are run byAfrican-Americans. Check it out.

The Library of Congress is focusing on its African-American collections. Look here for the new portal.

One of the most important stories of the Civil War was the story of the black troops who fought in segregated units. Incredibly, there are more than 50,000 sites on the Web dealing with the United States Colored Troops. Some of my favorites are Bennie McRae's site here and the selection of stories catalogued here (scroll down below the "jump.") But there are many, many other great ones.

Speaking of the U.S. Colored Troops, has added U.S. Colored Troops Service Records as part of its 2007 recognition of Black History Month. And highlights the "success stories" of two black genealogists, one of them only 15 years old. Unfortunately, with's ongoing promotion of immigration records, the Black History Month recognition is pretty hard to find. Use this link here.

Lalita Tademy, author of Cane River, has a new historical roman a clef, called Red River. This book tells the story of newly freed slaves after the Civil War up to 1930. I'm eager to read it.


Anonymous said...

Did you read Cane River? I started it, but I didn't finish it. Do you think I ought to give it another chance?

Craig Manson said...

Yes, I did read Cane River. And I really enjoyed it! I especially enjoyed her placing genealogical documents in the middle of the book. The dialogue and some of the events in the book are obviously fiction, but then again it was supposed to be a novel. On the other hand, she brought her ancestors to life in a way that they likely lived. Try it again and see if you like it.