Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Sanford's Jewish Connection?

So I was saying . . . this Jewish-Caribbean thing could be a new doorway opening up here. One of our family members, Harold V. Manson, has a vague, but certain recollection about a Jewish connection to his black family. He is the grandson of Otis Manson (born c. 1867, Upson County, Georgia) [see She's Spanish]. Harold Manson's recollection is that as a child in Texas he was told that some recent ancestor in Georgia was Jewish. Also, he recalls that his father, Quentin V.H. Manson (b. 1913, Rockdale, Texas; d. 1987, Los Angeles, California), would go to see a Jewish man whenever he was in need of money or otherwise in trouble. The man always responded to the needs, no questions asked. And once a year, Otis and Bettie Manson trundled their brood to the train station in Rockdale and waited for a train from Georgia. When the train arrived, a white man would emerge, hand Otis a packet of cash, and re-embark. Who was this man? Was he Jewish? Was Otis Manson's Georgia family Jewish? Well, next stop: www.jewishgen.org.

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